el T

Viel Laerm um Nichts

Mittwoch, März 14, 2007

Lying Dying - Lying in Wait - Lieing alone

Can I pull out of gravity?
Can I sustain a meteor rain?
Will this make me free?
Or make me finally insane?

Will I become a better man?
Will I die before I life?
Will I do all that I can?
To reach all what I strive?

Tonight in shadows, I lay my head
Where no one knows, I built my bed

In darkness and in solitude
my fortress, in my own dispute

I lie in words in thoughts and action
I lie on wood on asphalt and stone
I'm longing for my resurrection
I'm longing for an everlasting home

So komm, Du stummer Tag
verhangen strahlt Dein Himmel blass
Nimm von mir alles was ich mag
Liebe, Wehmut, Kummer, Hass

Bild 1 - Kokoro, Sharlaine und Nick

Bild 2 - Sharlaine, Nick, ich und Eiichi

Bild 3 - Eiichi und Steffen